Teleportation Method 1

Step 1
   Stand in an even, comfortable stance.  We suggest you stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
Step 2
   All matter is energy.  Visualize yourself turning into a golden light.  Turn the matter of your body into energy.
Step 3
   Focus on your third eye.  We suggest touching your third eye with your index finger.
Step 4
   Send the energy of your body shooting out through your third eye until there's nothing left.  Send this beam to your desired location.
Step 5

   All energy has the ability to become matter.  Visualize yourself as golden light and form it into a human body and, through willpower, make it more and more solid.

How far you can go will depend mostly on your ability to focus.  We warn you that traveling even a short distance will probably make you vomit the first few times.  We know from experience that even performing step 2 will make you feel queasy the first few times.