
Hunters are Vampiric spirits which exist within the Astral Realm.  While they appear humanoid they lack basic human thought.  They are driven by the basic instinct to feed.  They are dangerous, but only to the untrained.  A simple shield will stop them and a simple banishing will get rid of them.

Succubi And Incubi

Succubi (female) and Incubi (male) are spirits similar to Hunters.  They are Astral spirits which appear humanoid and are driven by the instinct to feed.  Unlike Hunters which feed directly on the life force of a being, Succubi and Incibi drain energy released by sexual activity.  While feeding off of such energy is generally not harmful, Succubi and Incubi coax the energetic body into giving up much more energy than it normally would, ultimately making them dangerous.

Dormant Vampire

A Dormant Vampire is a mildly Vampiric person who has not yet awakened.  This means their bodies cannot yet metabolize excess energy but that they have a slight deficiency which has already developed.  They typically feed off of the people around them without knowing it.

Awakened Vampire

An Awakened Vampire is the "typical" Vampiric human.  They have insufficient energy to maintain themselves and their health and therefore feed off of external sources.  Nearly all have one specific type of energy they feed off of best, and therefore, feed off of primarily or only.

Vampiric Abomination

A Vampiric Abomination is analogous to the Dark Were; it is a Vampire which has given into it's predatory nature.  Some groups actually encourage this practice.