Televisualization is the ability of 3 dimensional visualization with its dimensions being sound, shape, and form just like the picture that we can view with our own eyes in the physical reality and is the channel by which we can travel through interstellar space and time in the visual and physical forms.

Exercise 1

  Get comfortable and relax.  Close your eyes and visualize that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all around you. Listen to the forest, Can you hear the sounds of the forest all around you?  If you listen carefully you will hear the sounds of the meridian river flowing through the forest I want you to walk to the river in the distance and when you have reached the river stop.  Notice which way the river is flowing and once you have determined which way the river is flowing I want you to follow the river up stream.
   After a while, you hear a waterfall in the distance keep walking up stream until you reach the waterfall.  Once you have reached the waterfall stop, Look up at the waterfall and listen.  Visualize that the waterfall is talking to you, Have the waterfall say your name three times then stop.
   That is the end of this exercise. If you wish spend some time in the forest and have some fun.

Exercise 2
   Get comfortable and relax.   Now close your eyes and visualize that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all around you.   Listen to sounds of the forest. Can you hear the trees swaying in the light breeze all around you?   Do you hear the birds singing in the tree tops?   Now go for a walk in the forest you have created. Can you see the animals of the forest all around you?
   As you are walking through the forest you come across a beautiful stream with sandy shores and small rapids. Sit by the stream and just listen to the rapids. Can you hear the fish playing in the water as the stream flows past you?
   After a while you get up and walk deeper into the forest. A short time later you come across a clearing you see wildflowers in the clearing. While you are playing in the clearing you see some wild horses chewing on some tall storks of grass. Can you hear the horses chewing on the grass?
When you are ready open your eyes