This is meant to be performed by a priest and priestess, or at the very least a man and woman. If there's no woman available you put flowers on the altar and gesture to them when speaking the priestess part. If there's no man available you put a hatchet on the altar and gesture to it when speaking the priest part. If in a hurry you can replace those with anything masculine or feminine. I've even seen people use a drawing of a hatchet. "All present" is obviously all the people there except the sick/hurt person. If you're doing this alone just say it by yourself.

Loud, open-mouth exhale. Silence for 25 heartbeats after that


Great Odin, we gather here to seek an end to pain, then peace and healing
For one of our people.
Thine is the wisdom,
Thine is the power to give victory.
Thus we ask for thy help, here and now.
Hail Odin!

All present:
Hail Odin!

Good Freya, we gather here to seek an end to pain, then peace and healing
For one of our people.
Thine is the magick for those who are worthy.
Thus we ask for thy help, here and now.
Hail Freya!

All present:
Hail Freya!

Great Thor, we father here to seek an end to pain, then peace and healing
For one of our people.
Thou hast vast strength,
And the joy of the Gods.
Thus we ask for thy help, here and now.
Hail Thor!

All present:
Hail Thor!

Someone should draw the Nordic "B" rune on the forehead of the hurt person, or the chest if the forehead is covered by bandages. If the person you're healing isn't there then draw the rune and hold it up so anyone else there can see it.

All present:


Priest pauses for 25 heartbeats and then gestures to the person who is closest (emotionally) to the person you want to heal. S/He draws a symbol to represent the person on a piece of paper, holds it up for all to see, and then sets it in fire.

As the flames consume this image,
May strength and power go forth,
To consume the weakness.
And may healing be done.
Hail Odin!


For a more powerful version you have every person make a healing symbol or identity symbol for the person you want to heal and the priest says his part after each one. (obviously this version requires that there be multiple people).

After the past paper has been burned the ritual continues like this:

At this time have we sent runes of power and of healing,
Drawing upon the High Ones on the lands, and our people,
That our comrade and friend be made whole again.
I do ask Great Balder, giver of life and of joy,
To work with our good friend,
That healing be done, and soon.
Hail Balder!

All Present:
Hail Balder!

At this time have we done our best,
And our wills shall ever weave healing, and strength
For our good comrade to be made whole again.
I do ask the Gentle Maiden Iduna, giver for immortality,
To give to our friend some small portion of the life she gives to the Gods themselves,
That healing be done, and soon.
Hail Iduna!

All Present:
Hail Iduna!

Best magician or person closest to the subject of healing:
This meet of the Gods is done.
May our friend be healed.
Hail Odin!

All Present:
Hail Odin!