Ki Shield
The Ki Shield is your main defense against energy attacks. To make a Ki Shield move some Ki into your chest and shape it into a ball through visualization. By using visualization, expand it so it surrounds your body. Visualize it becoming hollow. This will make it more comfortable and make it work better since then it's an actual wall. Add extra Ki to make it stronger.

Ki Disk
Make a Ki Ball and hold it on one hand (this may take practice). Once you can hold it in one hand, have your hand flat like you're holding a big platter. Visualize the Ki Ball spinning and flattening like pizza dough. This will turn it into a disk which will be useful in attacks.

Ki Blast
Hold your hands so your wrists are touching and your palms are open (so your hands make a < shape). Create a Ki Ball in your hands. Visualize Ki moving into your arms and shoot a quick burst of Ki out of your arms so it shoots the Ki Ball.

Ki Healing 1
Painful areas are usually full of Ki which is red (pain), black (dead, or dying), or yellow-green (sick/infected). Put your hands over the place that hurts and visualize your clean blue Ki flowing over the hurt area and washing out this other Ki. Keep pouring in Ki until it is clean and then add a little more for good measure.

Psi Shell
Ki will not stat together in a ball without your constant willing and visualization, unless there is something forcing it to do so.  A simple way to take care of this is to make a ball of ki and make a shell of psi that goes around it.  This will keep the ball together for you.  If you program it to let energy in and not out you can also continue to add ki to it over time.  This can also be used to allow time-release energy if you correctly program the psi to let the energy out after a set amount of time.  This can be used for multiple things such as leaving healing ki with a sick friend or energy of a particular nature left under your head to help induce dreams of that nature.

Layered Ki Ball
Create a Ki Ball and compress it as much as you can without turning it into Jing.  Add more ki and make a kind of shell around the original Ki Ball.  Keep adding more layers, but don't let them mix.
Try using different energies in different combinations.

To make it more powerful, make the center ball flare out kind of like a Ki Flame, then the layer after that too, and all the way out so the outer-most layer is super-charged by all the Ki Balls before.  BE VERY CAREFUL IF YOU ARE USING DIFFERENT ELEMENTS.

Energy Claws
Draw ki into your hands, focusing it on the tips of your fingers.  Make the Ki pointy and hard.  Try different energies for different results.

Next Level: Advanced